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Thursday, May 22, 2008


My expereince last evening with a patient...was an eye opener..

'Doc, would you like to tell the gender of my baby', she said in a monotone.There were no expressions in her voice.The eye contact was missing and she was quite sure of the answer.

Quite contrary to her expectations I said, 'What makes you think so?'.'All doctors ',she said who examined me previously told me that this is possible after 7 months!'.

Then I realized some smart ass has passed on this shit to me.

After PNDT act finally we have learnt to say no.Patients however are insistent, persistent and downright shamelessly obstinate, often embarrassing and dont take no for an answer unless hit on the head.

So finally I said It's possible only after 9 months once you have delivered, I would come to the nursing home and tell you what stork has got for you!!

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